In an emergency call 999 and ask for Police then Mountain Rescue


About Us

Scottish Mountain Rescue represents 26 volunteer Mountain Rescue Teams (including two Search and Rescue Dog Associations (SARDA), Scottish Cave Rescue Organisation and the Search And Rescue Aerial Association – Scotland (SARAA – Scotland) with over 850 volunteers. We also represent an additional three Police teams and one RAF team.

Scottish Mountain Rescue, founded in 1965 as The MRCofS, is the representative and co-ordinating body for member Mountain Rescue Teams in Scotland. The organisation, an independently registered charity is administered by a volunteer Executive Committee, supported by three members of staff.

We facilitate the provision of a civilian mountain rescue service in Scotland and liaise closely with the Scottish Government, Police Scotland and Fire and Rescue Services, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Scottish Ambulance Service, and other partner agencies involved in Land based search and Rescue. Scottish Mountain Rescue has charitable status and is funded largely through voluntary contributions (registered Scottish Charity – number SC045003).




An incident is defined as a single event that required the services of an MRT. The resolution of this incident may need several callouts of a team (or teams) for example during a prolonged search.

572 (2022 = 636)

Total number of incidents in 2023

319 were mountaineering related


253 were non-mountaineering incidents




activations of Teams were recorded during 2023

Including giving advice, “stand-bys” and multi-day missions


This is an average of 2.7 per day,
including continuations.



Mountain Rescue volunteers gave up


of their time during callouts in 2023.

In addition team members
will spend dozens of hours each year
on training activities.


People Helped

During 2023


people were assisted


Nine incidents involved the rescue of dogs or sheep!

Support Us

Your Support

Scottish Mountain Rescue is the community of 26 member Mountain Rescue Teams. The teams deliver a world class Search and Rescue (SAR) Service and respond to requests from Police Scotland.

Our 850 volunteers respond in a moment’s notice, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to provide assistance to people in the outdoors. They give up their time, their beds, abandon their work, and are often called away from their families to assist total strangers.


At the end a fabulous day walking in the Lochearnhead area I had a slip on the hills and realised that I was unable to walk due to an ankle injury. I really have no idea how I would have coped without the assistance of the mountain rescue team and would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of those involved.

Belinda Norton

Whatever the circumstances of the rescue the appreciation felt by those that are assisted by our team members and their loved ones often in very distressing circumstances is very humbling and reinforces our determination to do the best job we can when we’re called

Belinda Di Quinzio, Borders Search and Rescue Unit

It never ceases to amaze me how good rescue teams are at finding people

Damon Powell, Chairman of the Scottish Mountain Rescue

At the end a fabulous day walking in the Lochearnhead area I had a slip on the hills and realised that I was unable to walk due to an ankle injury. I really have no idea how I would have coped without the assistance of the mountain rescue team and would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of those involved.

Belinda Norton

Whatever the circumstances of the rescue the appreciation felt by those that are assisted by our team members and their loved ones often in very distressing circumstances is very humbling and reinforces our determination to do the best job we can when we’re called

Belinda Di Quinzio, Borders Search and Rescue Unit

Donate to Scottish Mountain Rescue

We couldn’t do what we do without your help

3 in 5 rescues are funded by donations from the public including gifts in wills. It is your support that helps Mountain Rescue Teams to be there for people in need of rescue in the mountains and ultimately saves lives.

Our 850 volunteers respond in a moment’s notice, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to rescue people in the outdoors. They give up their time, their beds, abandon their work, and are often called away from their families to assist total strangers.

The MRTs couldn’t do what they do, without our wider team of supporters, the people in the background who provide the funding that make our work possible!

To donate to your local team follow the information on team websites. If you donate or fundraise for Scottish Mountain Rescue and have a preference on how your donation is spent please let us know and we will do our best to meet your wishes.
