In an emergency call 999 and ask for Police then Mountain Rescue

Mountain Rescue volunteers are fully trained in line with their own team’s training programmes to handle the various situations in which they will find themselves, but that doesn’t mean they won’t find it physically and mentally exhausting at times.

As well as the physical challenges some situations can put extra pressure on volunteers. Some emergency call-outs may involve extraordinarily difficult circumstances, particularly when severe injury or loss of life is involved.

Families have a central role in supporting the local mountain rescue team and that’s something to be really proud of. However, being a family member of a volunteer can lead to some adjustments.

Without the support, encouragement and sacrifices of these family members, our volunteers wouldn’t be able to provide the community and those in distress with the help they need in an emergency. But, as family members, you may also need support at times.

What support is available?

All volunteers receive full training.

Scottish Mountain Rescue (SMR) has created a template booklet – Welcome to the Team, designed for family members (particularly for new members and their families) which tells them about what to expect when their family member volunteers.

Teams have the opportunity to personalise this template booklet for their own local use. Ask your local team for details.

In addition, SMR works with others to provide support for members of teams and their families in the following ways:


  • Scottish Mountain Rescue Benevolent Scheme – if, as a result of an activity relating to Mountain Rescue you or members of your family need assistance during a period of hardship, need additional support to supplement an insurance claim or need assistance, where hardship is suffered waiting for an insurance claim, you may wish to submit a claim for support through the Scottish Mountain Rescue Benevolent Scheme. This scheme was put in place specifically to help members of Scottish Mountain Rescue teams in their time of need and aims to offer support in the form of loans or grant assistance as may be appropriate. All claims must relate to an incident which has taken place during a Mountain Rescue activity and should normally be within 12 months of an incident. To contact SMR Benevolent Scheme email:
  • Lifelines Scotland where you will find useful information on staying well, and building personal resilience. This website is continuing to develop new content.
  • Employee Assistance Programme – This EAP service is made available to Mountain Rescue volunteers by Police Scotland and offers confidential advice and counselling to all volunteers and their immediate families at no cost – you will be provided with this contact number when you join a team. Volunteers also have a wallet card and fridge magnet.
  • Volunteers in Mountain Rescue Teams in Scotland are covered by insurance which helps provide assistance following accident or death during activities related to their volunteering – the team will provide details of the relevant insurance cover.

The local Team Leader or other team members will be able to connect volunteers and their families to the support systems that are available to Mountain Rescue (e.g. Police Scotland Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)).

You can also e-mail the Scottish Mountain Rescue Wellbeing Officer for further information at